Saturday, August 30, 2014


Feeling a tremendous amount of gratitude these days.  I look around me and see happiness and joy everywhere.  My kids all seem to be in great places.  My work is once again fulfilling and satisfying.  My marriage is the happiest thing I've ever known next to being the mother of my three beautiful children and the grandmother to my sweet little Nadira and soon to be born grandbaby.  I know things in life go in cycles and what is amazing today may not be tomorrow, so I'm enjoying this time of tranquility in my world.

I wish for anyone reading this that they too feel the joy of love and tranquility in their worlds.  If you are experiencing one of the low points in your life, I urge you to persevere through and believe that things will get better.  When I heard about Robin Williams and the terrible sadness and depression he was feeling and living with for so long, it made me so sad for him, his family and every other person in this world suffering through such a debilitating disease.  I'm fortunate so far to never have felt that low and been afflicted by depression that was so all consuming that suicide seemed like the best possible solution.  I pray I never do.  I can only understand it to a point then it eludes me, which is why I'll never put a judgement on anyone who does decide the only way to end the pain is to take their own life.  I can only hope that they are able to get the help they need before it is too late.