Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where to Begin

My life has taken a lot twists and turns.. and every now and again I'll meet a "black or white" kind of person.. someone without the ability to see all the beautiful gray areas where life truly happens.
I love the twists and turns my life has taken. I love that there are so many, many gray areas in my life. Some of the gray is disguised as misery.. but when you look deep into that gray you'll find a lesson learned, or a "oh my God.. I'll never do that again" moment.

Then there are those gray areas that bring sweetness and light into your life. Like the birth of a child or the vows shared between two lovers.
I'm in a gray place with my new "friend"... is he a friend? .. is he more? There is no black or white here. Just two people who've been bitten my love.. and not in a good way. We've both learned valuable lessons from those hard relationships.. where one person was always trying to hurt the other one. And now.. here we are... him.. me.. us?.. maybe.. maybe not. a few tentative kisses.. each getting more passionate than the last.. yet.. not willing to go further yet.. not willing to say.. yes!!! let's!!!! No.. just 2 steps forward.. then 1 step back.
A dance if you will.. a dance of "can I trust him? can he trust me?" Sometimes we say yes.. and sometimes we say.. maybe not. But no one has said NO! yet.... That's a good thing.
So.. here I lie in my gray areas.. between the lines areas... not sure what will happen next areas... and loving every minute of it.

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