After 4 and a half weeks of training... I ran a 5K today without stopping and felt really good while doing it.
I have 2 more weeks before the big race and I'm feel strong... stronger than I've felt in a long time.
I may spend the rest of my life alone.. without love...
But.. I can at least channel my energy into running...
I feel good about this.. and that feels good.
Life is so strange... when some things go awry.. other things pick up and help you to cope with the bad things..
A new job.. A new hobby... A renewed sense of energy...
So.. no love in my life???? I guess I can cope...
Happiness???? no... contentment???? yes... lonely???? yes... Hope??? in some things.. not in other things..
Getting used to being alone again.. losing Curtis took it's toll on me.. so much more than I knew...
I really thought he was going to be the person I spent the rest of my life with.. He said the same thing to me.. but it was the wrong time for us.. Too much going on in his life.. and three teenaged girls that take all of our energy.
So.. I feel a victory tonight.. I set a goal.. and I worked and worked and achieved it..
That feels good...