Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

For once I can honestly say that I'm not relieved to see a year end. In the past, I've always thought, "Next year will be better.. I'll meet someone that I can love and feel love back in return." Or, "Life will get easier" But this year, 2012, was a year I will cherish forever. I met that love of my life. My beautiful little granddaughter was born. My life did get easier. It was a great year. The best year I can ever remember. 2013 will be great as well I'm sure. but.. I'm sad to see 2012 slip away. My hope for every person on this planet is that we find peace and goodwill. That we treat one another with love and respect. That we put aside our differences and pay more attention to our samenesses. So much sadness gets spread around through violence and misunderstandings. There are many parents this New Year's Eve that are doing anything but celebrating. They are mourning the loss of their precious children. Whether it be through war, or the actions of a sick and twisted person with access to a gun... their lives will be forever scarred. I pray for them. I cry for them. I get angry with them that so many people in this country believe that guns are what will keep us free. Love is what will keep us free. Love and understanding and acceptance. So, Happy New Year. May all your dreams come true. May you find contentment in all that you have and not worry so much about the "pursuit of happiness".. Look around you and count your blessings and thank your God for all the abundance in your life. I know that I will be doing that here in my cozy little home surrounded by the people that I love and love me. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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